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With over 40 years of experience, SERVPRO technicians have restored flood-damaged homes and businesses in Pennypack & Bustleton, PA Communities

6/18/2024 (Permalink)

Last’s week’s heavy rain saturated the earth, creating a rise in groundwater and runoff which could result in water in your basement. Water that seeps into your basement or rises quickly due to underground springs not only ruins carpet, walls and furniture, but it leads to other moisture problems such as mold.

SERVPRO's Disaster Recovery Team is trained and equipped to handle the largest storms and the highest flood waters. As SERVPRO professionals, our team relies on the 1-4-8 Service Response Guidelines:

  • Contact you within 1 hour from notice of loss to arrange for service.
  • Be onsite to begin mitigation services within 4 hours of notification
  • Provide verbal briefing of scope of project within 8 business hours of onsite arrival.

Whether you have experienced a flash flood, storm flooding or water due to drainage back-up or breakage, give SERVPRO of Pennypack/Bustleton a call. Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly. If water damage is not promptly mitigated, lingering moisture from flood water may elevate the risk of mold growth.

SERVPRO of Pennypack/Bustleton is certified by the IICRC and can properly remediate mold damage as well.

We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Contact us for emergency service if flash flooding occurs at your home or business at (215) 671-7777

Improve the Indoor Air Quality of your Phila. PA Business

5/9/2024 (Permalink)

Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, indoor spaces, cleanliness of surfaces, and air flow have become more important elements when considering the overall health of a commercial property.  Maintaining a healthy environment in your Philadelphia area business, maintains the health of employees, customers, patients and residents alike.

What determines clean air?  According to the EPA pollutants fall into 3 main Categories:

  • Biological
  • Chemical
  • Particles

Indoor Air Quality or IAQ is defined by the EPA as the “air quality within and around buildings and structures,” which can impact the health and wellbeing of the building’s occupants.  Exposure to indoor pollutants can impact the health of occupants immediately or build over many months or even years.

Air pollutants can be created by indoor and outdoor sources.  Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor contaminates by not bringing sufficient outdoor air in to dilute emissions or the reverse, but not expelling enough indoor air.  High humidity and temperatures also increase the concentration of harmful or hazardous particles.


The most effective way to minimize the effect of indoor air pollution is source control.  By eliminating the source of the pollutant to reduce their emissions.  Common indoor sources of pollutants can be building materials such as asbestos, fuel burning combustible appliances, building materials (flooring, carpeting, upholstery, cabinets of pressed wood products), household cleaning products, tobacco and excessive moisture. Outdoor sources are Radon, pesticides and outdoor air pollution.

Indoor Air Quality is best handled by:

  • Isolation: Removing the pollutant from the air
  • Dilution: Removing the pollutant through ventilation
  • Filtration: Removing the contaminants through cleaning the air

Action steps to improve indoor air through integrating air quality protocols in purchasing decisions for building, furniture and cleaning products.  Establish and enforce an effective no smoking policy.  Educate employees in the building on management of air quality and healthy building environment.

SERVPRO of Pemberton/Bustleton is available 24/7 to address your water, fire and mold restoration needs.

 Call us at: 215-671-7777. We are proud to serve our local communities in Philadelphia County.

Understanding the Aftermath of Fire in Your Phila. PA Home

4/20/2024 (Permalink)

The aftermath of fire in your Phila. PA home is not limited to damage only inflicted by flames. Smoke and soot may cause both visible and hidden damage far beyond the original fire.

Smoke damage can be categorized in 2 ways: Wet Smoke and Dry Smoke.

Dry smoke is created by high temperature burning of paper and wood materials.   Dry smoke residue is powdery and fine. This fine, dry powder is generally easier to clean-up since it can be wiped, but unfortunately it will find any porous surface, crack or crevice. Your home may look perfectly clean, however soot such as this, hidden from view may retain a smell.

Wet smoke is a product of low temperature, smoldering fires.  It creates thick, black sticky residue which clings to surfaces and has a strong, pungent odor.  This smoke smears when wiped due to the oily consistency creating a challenging clean-up.  Plastics, rubber are the primary causes of Wet smoke.

Other causes of damage after a fire are synthetic materials, protein material, petroleum or natural substances.

Synthetic materials such as fabrics, (draperies, carpets. bedding) furniture, electronics, and plastics when burned create a thick, billowy, black smoke that rises quickly and coats walls and anything in its path.  Oftentimes these synthetics are products of oil- based substances thus a sticky, oil residue will be left by the smoke.  Leave this clean-up to the professionals.

Protein fire residue is left behind due to evaporation of material.  Virtually invisible, protein fire residue discolors paints and varnishes and has an extreme pungent odor.

Petroleum residue is the remains of oil burning.  This smoke is dark in appearance and will discolor and stain anything it touches.

Natural residue is left behind when natural elements are burned. Ash in color, It is the easiest to clean due to its dry, powdery nature.

We hope you never have to experience the trauma of a fire, but if you do, SERVPRO of Pennypack/Bustleton are here to restore your home, Like it never even happened™

Our team of professionals are trained to clean-up and restore your home. Give us a call 24/7 at 215-671-7777 for all your fire, water and mold remediation needs.

Keep It Dry: 5 Essential Steps to Prevent a Flooded Basement In Your Phila. Home

1/7/2024 (Permalink)

A flooded basement can be a homeowner's nightmare, causing extensive damage and disruption. Fortunately, by taking proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of basement flooding in your Phila home or business.  In this guide, we'll walk you through five essential steps to safeguard your basement from water damage.

  1. Inspect and Seal Foundation Cracks:
  • Regular Checks: Conduct regular inspections of your basement walls and floors. Look for any cracks or gaps where water could seep through.
  • Sealant Application: Use a high-quality waterproof sealant to fill and seal any identified cracks. This helps prevent water infiltration during heavy rainfall or snowmelt.
  1. Ensure Proper Gutter Maintenance:
  • Clear Debris: Regularly clean gutters and downspouts to remove leaves, twigs, and debris that can block the flow of water.
  • Direct Water Away: Ensure downspouts extend at least 3-4 feet away from your home's foundation, directing water away from the basement.
  1. Install a Sump Pump:
  • Basement Sump Pump: Consider installing a sump pump in your basement. This device helps prevent water buildup by pumping excess water away from the foundation.
  • Regular Testing: Test your sump pump regularly to ensure it's functioning correctly, especially before the rainy season.
  1. Improve Yard Grading:
  • Sloping Away from Foundation: Check the grading around your home. The ground should slope away from the foundation to prevent water from pooling near the basement walls.
  • Add Soil if Necessary: If needed, add soil to create a gentle slope away from the house, ensuring proper water drainage.
  1. Invest in Basement Waterproofing:
  • Interior and Exterior Waterproofing: Consider professional basement waterproofing, both inside and outside your home.
  • French Drains: Install French drains around the perimeter of your basement to redirect water away from the foundation.

By taking these five proactive steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of a flooded basement and protect your home from water damage. Regular maintenance and investment in preventative measures will pay off in the long run, providing peace of mind during heavy rains or melting snow.

Call SERVPRO for emergency response, 24/7 for any flooding disaster. 267-710-2323

5 Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes in Your Philadelphia County Home This Winter

11/7/2023 (Permalink)

Preventing frozen pipes is crucial as winter approaches, especially in regions with cold climates, like Philadelphia, PA.  

When water freezes in your plumbing system, it can expand and lead to pipe bursts, causing significant damage and costly repairs. Here are some tips to help you avoid frozen pipes:

  1. Insulate your pipes:
    • Add insulation to pipes in unheated areas, such as basements, crawl spaces, and attics. You can use foam pipe insulation, heat tape, or fiberglass sleeves.
    • Pay special attention to pipes near exterior walls, as they are more susceptible to cold temperatures.
  1. Seal any gaps and cracks:
    • Seal gaps or cracks in walls and floors near pipes to prevent cold drafts from reaching them.
    • Weatherstrip doors and windows to keep cold air out and warm air in.
  1. Maintain a consistent temperature:
    • Keep your home heated, even when you're away. Set your thermostat to a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 degrees Celsius) to ensure your pipes stay warm.
    • Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.
  1. Allow faucets to drip:
    • When temperatures drop significantly, allow faucets to drip slowly. This can relieve pressure and help prevent freezing.
    • Focus on faucets that are on exterior walls or exposed to cold air.
  1. Disconnect and drain outdoor hoses:
    • Before winter sets in, disconnect and drain garden hoses. Store them indoors to prevent damage.
    • Shut off the water supply to outdoor spigots and use insulated faucet covers to protect them.

By taking these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of frozen pipes during the winter months and avoid costly repairs and water damage to your home.

When water disaster does strike, SERVPRO of Pennypack/Bustleton is trained and ready to make it 'like it never even happened'. Call 215-671-7777, 24/7 to respond to any water or fire disaster.

10 Tips to Avoid a Furnace Puff Back in Your Philadelphia, PA Home

11/2/2023 (Permalink)

Heating season is upon us in Philadelphia and NJ, which has us firing up our furnace after many months of being idle. 

Generally turning on the heat is a non-event, but sometimes a malfunctioning or dirty heating unit inside your furnace creates a “puff back”.  A puff back is the puff of smoke or oily soot from a malfunctioning heating unit. This oily dust particles settles everywhere.  Puff backs can cause minor inconveniences or sever property damage to your property and heating system.

The soot residue from a puff back has different binders. It is bound by hot oils that burst out of the house registers, leaving oily soot everywhere.

Here are 10 Important Tips to Avoid this happening to your home or business.

  1. Regular Maintenance: The best way to prevent puff backs is through regular furnace maintenance. Schedule annual inspections and cleanings with a qualified HVAC technician.
  2. Check for Leaks: Inspect the fuel lines and connections for any signs of leakage. If you smell gas or oil contact a professional.
  3. Maintain Proper Airflow: Ensure that your furnace yas adequate ventilation. Clean or replace filters regularly, and make sure vents and flues are unobstructed.  Restricted airflow can lead to incomplete combustion and increase the risk of puff backs.
  4. Burner Inspection: Regularly inspect and clean the burner, ensuring it’s free from soot, debris and other contaminants. A clean burner is less likely to experience puff backs.
  5. Install an Oil Accumulator: An oil accumulator can help prevent puff backs by storing excess oil.  This prevents unburned oil from entering the combustion chamber during start-up.
  6. Upgrade to a Modern System: If you have an older furnace, consider upgrading to a more efficient, safer model. Newer furnaces often have better safety features and improved combustion processes.
  7. Maintain a Clean Chimney: If you have a chimney, ensure it’s clean and free from obstructions. A blocked chimney can lead to poor ventilation and increased risk of puff backs.
  8. Use High-Quality Fuel: Ensure you are using clean, high-quality fuel. Poor-quality, contaminated fuel can lead to puff backs.
  9. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Puff backs can release carbon monoxide (CO) into your home which is extremely dangerous.
  10. Professional Inspection: If you have experienced a puff back, it’s essential to have a professional inspect and clean your furnace thoroughly. They can identify and address and underlying issues that may have caused the puff back.

SERVPRO of Pennypack/Bustleton is ready to clean the oily soot or smoke residue "Like it never even happened." Our techs always wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including respirators, during this cleanup job.  We offer fast, reliable remediation and restoration services for commercial and residential property owners and tenants.  Call today for a free estimate at (215) 671-7777.

How To Prepare for a Flood in Your Philadelphia County Home

9/15/2023 (Permalink)

One of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States is flooding. Floods can happen naturally on coastlines, near rivers, along city streets or even in the desert, and yes in Philadelphia County, PA. 

The National Flood Insurance Program cited up to 25% of recent claims have been from low-risk communities. On average, floods cause $6 billion in annual losses in the U.S.

It’s interesting to take a look at your home from above, a satellite, birds-eye view to make sense of the curving streets and lay of the land. Overlaying a flood-zone detail helps to establish if your neighborhood is prone to water. While there are varying levels of flood zones, it’s best to prepare for the worst.

Prevention and timely preparation to handle the potential flooding affect your restoration and replacement loss. Here are a few prevention tips:

  • Determine if your home is located in a floodplain
  • Listen to local emergency management instructions
  • Create a plan if your home is not accessible. This plan is often referred to as a COOP (continuity of operation)
  • Review your emergency plans annually

Visit: for a comprehensive plan for your area.

Flood Actions Steps:


  • Turn off utilities at the main switch valves.
  • Disconnect electrical equipment and appliances
  • Move vehicles out of a low-lying garage
  • Raise elevators from the bottom


  • Account that your family is safe and evacuated to the designated area meeting place.
  • If water has moved into your home and evacuation is not possible, move to the upper floor and wait for rescue personnel.
  • While evacuating, avoid driving through rising water.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment.
  • Do not walk through moving water.
  • Do not use open flames (gas may be escaping through ruptured mains)
  • Avoid floodwaters. Floodwaters may be contaminated with oil, gasoline, raw sewage. Water may be electrically charged.
  • Stay out of the home if it is surrounded by floodwaters.
  • Listen to news reports to learn if the community’s water supply is safe to drink
  • Return only when authorities deem the area is safe.


  • Contact local emergency officials
  • Secure main entrance of building
  • Alert Security company and alarm company of the situation.


  • Shut off source of water or call qualified party to stop water source
  • Give priority to the protection of power plant, fire pumps.
  • Open basement of low-level windows to equalize water pressure on the building’s foundation and walls
  • Begin water damage mitigation steps only if local authorities deem safe.
  • Notify your insurance agent or risk manager.


Dryer Fire Prevention For Your Philadelphia County PA Home

9/6/2023 (Permalink)

Keep your Philadelphia County PA home risk free with these simple preventative maintenance tips for your household dryer.

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, almost 16,000 homes were impacted by fires caused by large appliances of which 92% of the fires were from dryers. Dryer fires accounted for approximately $238 million in property loss, over 350 injuries as well as isolated fatalities. Dryer fires are a fairly common cause of home fires, the potential culprit of these fires were because they failed to clean the dryer vents.

Dryer Fire Prevention Tips

  • Clean the lint trap after every load to avoid lint build up, so that it doesn’t cause a fire.
  • Someone should be home and awake while the dryer is running.
  • Clean the vents outside at least two times a year to clean any lint and dust buildup.
  • Clean the motor area with a vacuum, the panel may have to be removed in order to get to it. If there’s lint build up it can ignite if it gets too hot.
  • Don’t put mop heads in the dryer. The chemicals on the mop head can ignite from the dryer’s heat.
  • Keep the area around the dryer clear. The heat from the dryer might ignite something left too close to it.

Follow us on the web at or on our social media sites. We can always be reached at (215) 671-7777, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Fire Up the Grill, Not Your House: 7 Grill safety Tips Everyone Should Know

7/17/2023 (Permalink)

Stay safe this summer with these 7 grill tips

Gas grills are involved in an average of a little under 10,000 house fires each year, don’t let your house be one of them! Follow these steps to keep the fire on the grill and not in your house. 

  • Choose a safe location for your grill 

Location is key! Right off of the house on the deck is a common spot to put a grill, but it isn’t a safe one! Grilling in close proximity to the house is a fire hazard. It’s a good rule of thumb to place your grill at least ten ft away from all structures. When choosing a spot make sure the surface is level and away from any overhanging branches and anything flammable. 

  • Keep a spray bottle on hand

When fat from whatever you’re cooking begins to drip, it’s common for the grill to flare up and cause a section of the grill to catch fire. Keep a spray bottle filled with water near your grill so you can quickly extinguish flames and prevent further spread. 

  • Never leave an in-use grill unattended 

As goes for anything with flames, a lit grill requires constant supervision. It’s wise to stay close to the grill so you can easily see or smell signs of danger such as excessive smoke, flames shooting up higher than usual, or the scent of gas. 

  • Create a “kid-free zone”

Strategically place your grill in a spot that is out of the way and not tempting for small children to go to. Enforcing the 3 foot “kid-free” is a great way to ensure safety and that no accidents occur.

  • Clean your grill regularly 

When not cleaned regularly, grease buildup on your grill can become a serious fire hazard. It’s a good idea to clean your grill with a grill brush after each time you use it and empty the grease tray as soon as you notice it filling up.

  • Store propane tanks away from your house 

Keep propane tanks outdoors in a well-ventilated area. To ensure safety, always keep the tank upright and check the valves are turned off fully. 

  • Wear the right clothing 

Closed-toed shoes, oven mitts, and an apron are good protective measures to wear. Avoid loose-fitting clothing, dangling jewelry, and tie your hair back if it is long. 

Our integration of Docusketch: a state-of-the-art 3D documentation technology

6/8/2023 (Permalink)

We use the best technology so we can offer you the best best services!

SERVPRO® uses AI? Yes, we do! SERVPRO Team McCabe is always looking for ways to enhance our services, so integrating cutting-edge technology is a natural choice for us. We use Docusketch, a 3D documentation tool to get precise digital floor plans to create estimates for scopes of work.

Docusketch helps us capture 360-degree panoramic photos of every room. These sketches serve multiple purposes, being valuable for our team’s reference and frequently utilized by insurance companies, sub-contractors, and even customers! 

So how exactly does it work? Docusketch uses AI software to perform an automated review process that analyzes the compliance and completeness of a scope. This process ensures the information we use to create estimates is as accurate as humanly (or not humanly in this case!) possible. 

The primary role of our on-site estimator is to gain a clear understanding of the specific tasks and volume of work necessary to restore an area to its preloss conditions. While AI helps with that process, our real-life estimator picks up on issues/concerns AI can’t. Our estimator prioritizes the safety and comfort of customers and promptly addresses any general, safety, or financial concerns. 

With the help of Docusketch, our estimator creates an estimate for the job, taking into account the severity of the damage, area dimensions, and many other factors to produce with the final price. 

If you're dealing with a loss, give us a call today and we'll get you an estimate as soon as possible!

24/7, 365, We’re here for you!